015 Tori Kabin

Berlin, Germany

Yakitori pop up for Stoke Berlin

Tori Kabin designed by our partner Win Amnueypornsakul for and with Jeff Claudio of Stoke Berlin is located on the rooftop of Aufbau Haus in Berlin Kreuzberg. The wooden cabin serves as a temporary restaurant hosting an Omakase Yakitori experience during three months of summer. Referencing the make-shift structures of Yatai mobile food stalls, it carries the narrative of the origins of this popular Japanese food. Entering through a traditional Noren, 12 guests are accommodated in an intimate setting around the open kitchen where skewered chicken is cooked on open fire. The cabin can be dissembled and pop up in a new location.

Program: Temporary restaurant
Area: 19sqm
Client: Stoke Berlin
Location: Berlin, Germany
Completion: May 2023
Affin Service: LP1-8
Photography: Affin

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